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Projects and Examples
JPetStore 3 by Clinton Begin - A new JPetStore has arrived! Version 3 takes the best of the previous implementations and puts them together into one comprehensive example of web application architecture using Struts, Data Access Objects and advanced JDBC (via SQL Maps)..
LogWeb by Nathan Coast - A Struts webapp for configuring Log4J at runtime within a servlet container.
Struts Resume by Matt Raible - A resume hosting application built using AppFuse.
AppFuse by Matt Raible - Demonstrates how to use XDoclet with Struts to generate your Forms, web.xml, struts-config.xml, and validation.xml. AppFuse also shows how you can use the different security packages (i.e. form-based authentication, SSLExt) and advanced Struts techniques (i.e. Tiles, Validator) to build your webapps. AppFuse integrates with Hibernate on the backend to do database persistence.
Struttin' with Struts by Rick Reumann - How to use iBATIS Database Layer with Struts, lessons and examples.
AJUG Presentation Demo Application by Chuck Cavaness - The demo application uses OJB and Hypersonic.
JavaDevWithAnt by Erik Hatchter - Demonstrates using Ant, XDoclet, Struts, JUnit, Cactus, and Lucene within the same application.
basicPortal by Vic Cekvenich - Sample Struts + JSTL Vertical apps
Chiki by GhootEmaho - A Wiki-like webapp built using Struts and J2EE, and runs on Tomcat.
Artimus by Ted Husted - News poster application. Demonstrates using beans beans and a JDBC database with Struts, along with other niceties. WAR zipped for download. Uses Scaffold package. See WEB-INF/README.txt for setup.
Scaffold by Ted Husted - Utility package of classes that can be used with various Web applications.
Struts Polls by Ted Husted - Simple poll application. Demonstrates using a database with Struts.
The Struts Framework by Steve Wilkinson - Excerpt from latest Wrox Professional JSP book.
Struts Login (WAR file zipped for download) by Ted Husted - A minimalist Struts application demonstrating form validation and tracking users with a session attribute (WAR file).
Struts-Simple by Ted Husted - (WAR file zipped for download) A simple skeleton application outlining the files needs to input and re-display data. Now also demonstrates using "wizards" and "nested" beans.
Sonic Struts Storefront - The Sonic Struts Storefront sample application demonstrates how to assemble an internationalized e-business application using the Struts framework.
MonkeyStruts by Arron Bates - Running example of nested hierarchy and the Nested Tags (click here to download the war. Needs Struts runtime library etc).
Nested Tutorial by Arron Bates - War file result of the nested tutorial (requires Struts runtime files).
Tree (dynamic nested fun) by Arron Bates - War file result of the tree tutorial (requires Struts runtime files). I never thought I'd ever see, something as funky as a tree...
Struts Examples by Steve Raeburn - A collection of examples demonstrating commonly used Struts features.