Taglibs - Struts Community Resources | ![]() |
Contributor Taglibs
WML Tag Support #2by Davor Cengija - Struts support for WML markup.
WML Tag Support #1by Mitchell Morris - Struts support for WML markup.
Struts Java Server Faces tablib (early release)
Nested Taglib v2[Also included in Struts 1.1] by Arron Bates - More efficient markup of beans and their nested children (linked site provides library for previous struts versions).
REGEXP.VALIDATOR.STRUTSby Emmanuel Boudrant - A validation component that works with Struts 1.0, to manage form validation on server-side and client-side.
Struts-WAS.jarby Christopher Assenza - Modified Struts 1.0 JAR for Websphere 3.5 or 4. Zipped for download. (For additional tips regarding Websphere 3.5 see installation-was352-x.html.)
Struts Layoutby Improve - An extension library to improve interfaces creation with Struts.
Struts Menuby Scott Sayles - Web menuing framework for JSP and Struts based applications. Menus can be defined in an XML file and displayed through the use of JSP tags. Support for dynamic javascript menus is included.
Indexed Tags [Also available in the nightly build] by Dave Hays - Produce indexed names such as <input type="text" name="parameter[0].value" value="Mac">. Link, Submit, and Select tags are included too.
LinkParam Tag by Eric Fesler - Multiple request parameter for the html:link tag.
Struts IF/THEN/ELSE and SWITCH tags by Niall Pemberton.
TextArea Wrapping by Matthias Bauer. Patch to HTML:TextArea tag to provide wrapping of long lines.
RowTag (ZIP file for download) by Amarda Business Systems Ltd - Source for a Struts-compatible tag to generate alternating row colors in a table by Niall Pemberton. [ NOTE: Requires a Struts build dated after 2001-04-28]
Grid tag by Jeff Trent - write grid-style JSP code.