Struts Applications

Utilities - Struts Community Resources


Other Struts-Related Tools and Utilities

The display tag library is an open source suite of custom tags that provide high level web presentation patterns which will work in a MVC model, and provide a significant amount of functionality while still being simple and straight-forward to use.

Fitnesse The fully integrated standalone wiki, and acceptance testing framework.

Faces Console by James Holmes. The Faces Console is a FREE standalone Java Swing application for managing JavaServer Faces-based applications. With the Faces Console you can visually edit JavaServer Faces configuration files as well as JSP Tag Library files.

Project Rave - a new generation tool for Java application development (early release).

JPlates produces standards-based software tools that dramatically improve productivity for all template-based applications, including Struts JSP/Velocity/XLST applications.

Web Toolkit - provides a component-based approach to building markup-driven applications (not Struts specific). Alternative to the Template and Tiles taglibs.

dbForms - RAD framework for database applications.

Pager Tag Library - helps generate Google and AltaVista style search result navigators. It will take multiple pages worth of information, dynamically split it up into page sized pieces and generate a browsable index. It does this in a flexible way that allows designers to give the index just about any look desired.